

The time-travels site is re-launced: An example of the work carried out within the previous "time-travels project" can be seen here. It illustrates the landscape develoment in the region of the Göta River, West Sweden, from the end of the last Ice Age (c. 12.500 B.P.) up to the present (in Swedish).


-An off-spin of the Digital Time-Travels project will form one of the work packages of Archaeological Information in the Digital Society, financed through a framework grant by the Swedish Research Council 2013 – 2016. The work package will be launced in January 2014...


-The report from the Digital Time-Travels project (2007 - 2010) can be found here (in Swedish).

Older news:


-Digital Time-Travels participated in the GISHS2009 conference, held in Taipei at Taiwan. Pictures from our presentation are found here.


-Our exhibition at Lödöse Museum has opened. A report on the exhibition can be seen  here (in Swedish).


- The project progress report 'GIS och 3D-teknik som redskap för visuellt och taktilt tillgängliggörande av kulturarv: Lägesrapport från projektet Digitala Tidsresor: Nya strategier inom arkeologin och kulturmiljövården?' GOTARC Serie D Arkeologiska Rapporter Nr 70 can be downloaded here. (.pdf format) (Swedish).


- The Digital Time-Travels project has initiated a 3D-scanning of the gold material pertaining to the ”Vittene Gold Find”, dating from the Early Iron Age, as part of the Göta Älv valley installation at Lödose Museum. Further information and pictures can be found here.


- Project information has been presented at Kartdagar 2008.

